The ability to see and hear delegates clearly from anywhere in the world has become even more important over the past 18 months, and companies rely heavily on remote communication between clients, staff, and suppliers for day to day business matters.
For this reason it is important to ensure that a number of fundamental requirements are met for any VC conference application.
â—‹ Room Design
â—‹ Acoustics and Furnishings
â—‹ Correct Lighting Environment
â—‹ Quality Video Camera for the Size of Room
â—‹ Microphones and Audio Reproduction for the Room Environment
There is little point in deploying a VC solution if the quality of the call means that those taking part struggle to communicate, and as such a site survey is carried out before any solution is put forward for consideration, and technical advice is provided as to the most effective way to create a working VC solution.
DCPM work with a number of key global manufacturers to provide solutions that meet the exact requirements of the client, and provide quality video conferencing based on the size of the space and the room environment